What is Search Intent in SEO 2024

What is the Search Intent?

Search Intent is the reason a user has for searching a search engine by making a query. Search Intent / Query Intent / User Intent is an important thing for you in keyword research or when writing an article.

Types of Search Intents

Search Intent
Figure: Search Intent – Author: Seobility

If you have used a tool like Semrush, when you search for a keyword you have seen, it will show a column called Intent [Informational, Commercial, Navigational, Transactional].

Search Intents Examples

search intent examples
search intent examples

That means a user searches Facebook on Google to log into Facebook. [Navigational]

If someone searches for a query like History of Facebook, he wants to know the history of Facebook. [Informative]

How Search Intent Works?

Then Google will suggest the Facebook login page for the first query, a blog with history of Facebook for the second query, Wikipedia or the like.

If you search for such a query to buy something, if you don’t have an online store that has those items, it will show you local stores like ABC Store Near Me.

So before writing an article for a keyword, if you do a Google search, you can see what kind of pages are ranked for that query.

Most of the time, Blog Posts are ranked for How to, Step By Step Queries, but you can see that YouTube Videos List is ranked for some Queries.

Simply, if the user gets what the user is searching for from your post, then your post will rank. This can increase Return Visits, Backlinks, Social Shares.

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