Domain Hosting Short Tutorial
In this blog post, I came up with the best domain hosting short tutorial. First of all, see the previous 3 posts. Read these posts before we started to make money with AdSense.
Like the previous post, this is not directly related to the Adsense post series, but I feel it is worth posting. So let’s go to the post.
Whether you create a website or go to a website on the Internet, everything you see is made up of files. The base of every website we see is an HTML file. [HTML, CSS, JS, Images, videos, etc..]
That file store is in a server. Imagine that it is also a PC with more RAM/Disk space that is online 24 hours a day. So we host the website in one like this.
When you get your computer, every file has a location. Like C:\Users\Steve\Document\xx*.mp4
The web server is the same as your PC. The only difference is it has more RAM (system memory) and HDD or SSD Space. So in every website we see like this, the files are in a location of a web server in a server room somewhere.
Do you Know? Every PC has an IP address when they are connected to the Internet. You can Check It by starting CMD, typing ipconfig, and then pressing the enter button.
Domain Name
Since it is difficult for us to remember IP addresses, we can use domain names. What happens in this is that we find the IP related to the domain we give from DNS and take it to the website related to the domain on that server.
That’s why name servers are added when you buy a domain name.
Now you can easily go to a website by entering a query in a search engine. [If the site is indexed in that search engine]
You don’t need to earn these from Adsense. I just put it for someone who is looking. I don’t know much about Advance. These are the things I learned by doing self-study. Look for it yourself. If there are mistakes, tell me and I will update.
Back to Adsense in the next post.